miércoles, 13 de agosto de 2014

changing paradigms

I found the two videos extremely interesting. It is obvious that there is an urgent need to reform state education. I agree that the model was conceived for a great number of students to be educated at the lowest cost, where the particular necessities of each student are hardly ever taken into account. I also agree that children are besieged by too many stimuli that promote a constant zapping and a tendency to get too easily bored inside the classrooms.
Also those who grew up without technology sometimes get out of dated as regards mass media. However; technology is a very potential tool that is hardly exploited at school.
Teachers should catch up the use of them and try to get familiar with it so as to be able to offer a better use of them in class.
It will take some time but it seems to be the only way to engage young students and shorten the gap between different generations

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